EquipSolutions Timeline feat. PiEquipSolutions, based in Chicago, are Pi’s exclusive partner for the sales of CRIUS® in North America’s Industrial Market.

Recently, Pi’s Managing Director Mike Riding was invited to visit EquipSolutions to present the results of a current project between the two companies.

Tailored CRIUS® instrument controller training

During his visit, Mike provided extra training, specifically on being able to customise each CRIUS® instrument controller to meet the exact needs of Equip’s customers and providing bespoke manuals for the CRIUS® controllers.

Anthony Glitto, EquipSolutions’ Director of their Distribution division said:

“One of the attractions of the CRIUS® to us is that it is totally customisable for every one of our customers. Having the capability in house to do this customisation will certainly add value for our customers. Having the manual bespoke to each instrument means that our customers won’t receive a massive manual full of pages and pages of information that doesn’t relate to what they’ve bought. Having the bespoke manual means that they get the highest quality information relating to their instrument specifically.”

Reflecting on his visit to EquipSolutions, Mike Riding said:

“Equip are an extremely important partner to Pi, they are wholly committed to working with Pi in order to add value to their customers’ operations in North America using the CRIUS® platform. It was lovely to see that Pi stood out on their company timeline that is there for all to see in their extremely impressive facility in Chicago. Equip has great people, doing a great job and already the work put in by both partners is beginning to pay off with great reviews coming back from the first installations.”

The future looks bright in the North American Industrial Market, with Pi and EquipSolutions working together seamlessly to support their customers.

Contact Process Instruments today!

Pi’s controllers are Water 4.0 and Industry 4.0 ready. If you would like to discuss how our controllers can work in your application, please do not hesitate to contact a dedicated member of the Pi team today.